Georgetown Economic Development

Advanced Manufacturing

Epicenter of Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced manufacturers rely on a skilled workforce able to use complex machinery and sophisticated production processes to transform raw materials into components and finished products. With an advanced manufacturing workforce of more than 34,000, Georgetown is a prime location for such employers. Manufacturers in electronics, aerospace and aviation and clean energy technology have all found their homes in the prosperous economic climate Georgetown offers.

Our city is conveniently located near major thoroughfares, boasts a large workforce, continues to be fiercely committed to clean, renewable energy sources and has large natural gas, water and wastewater capacities. The flier below shares more information about Georgetown’s extensive labor shed and economic benefits.

Advanced Manufacturing

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Georgetown Manufacturer’s Association

The Georgetown Manufacturer’s Association seeks to address issues specific to the advanced manufacturing industry. The city of Georgetown, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Georgetown ISD work closely with the GMA to create and implement training programs to ensure a skilled manufacturing workforce, both now and in the future. You can learn more about the ongoing efforts of this committee here.

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